A bun mums worst fear… when you realise something is wrong with your rabbit and you have no idea what! It all started when I noticed Cookie had been scratching at his ears more than I expected and shaking his head often. As a first time rabbit owner, I thought this may have been normal as I was aware that they like to groom a lot (now I know this was not usual behaviour). I didn't think much of it as he was eating, drinking, getting the zoomzies and his toilet habits remained healthy. It wasn't until I noticed him sneezing and his poop had all clumped together which is a sign that his digestive system had slowed down (bad juju for rabbits) that I immediately called the vet to get him booked in.
I’ll document the journey here as it may help new bun parents and those considering adopting or buying a rabbit. Sometimes, it’s not all fluffy cuddles and binkies…